Source code for lale.datasets.data_schemas

# Copyright 2019 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import issubdtype, ndarray
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

import lale.type_checking
from lale.helpers import _is_spark_df
from lale.type_checking import JSON_TYPE

    import torch
    from torch import Tensor

    torch_installed = True
except ImportError:
    torch_installed = False

    import py4j.protocol
    from pyspark.sql import DataFrame as SparkDataFrame
    from pyspark.sql import GroupedData as SparkGroupedData

    spark_installed = True
except ImportError:
    spark_installed = False

# See instructions for subclassing numpy ndarray:
[docs]class NDArrayWithSchema(ndarray): def __new__( cls, shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, strides=None, order=None, json_schema=None, table_name=None, ): result = super( # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args NDArrayWithSchema, cls ).__new__( cls, shape, dtype, buffer, offset, strides, order # type: ignore ) result.json_schema = json_schema result.table_name = table_name return result def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.json_schema = getattr(obj, "json_schema", None) self.table_name = getattr(obj, "table_name", None)
# See instructions for subclassing pandas DataFrame: #
[docs]class DataFrameWithSchema(DataFrame): _internal_names = DataFrame._internal_names + ["json_schema", "table_name"] _internal_names_set = set(_internal_names) @property def _constructor(self): return DataFrameWithSchema
[docs]class SeriesWithSchema(Series): _internal_names = DataFrame._internal_names + [ "json_schema", "table_name", "folds_for_monoid", ] _internal_names_set = set(_internal_names) @property def _constructor(self): return SeriesWithSchema
if spark_installed: def _gen_index_name(df, cpt=None): name = f"index{cpt if cpt is not None else ''}" if name in df.columns: return _gen_index_name(df, cpt=cpt + 1 if cpt is not None else 0) else: return name class SparkDataFrameWithIndex(SparkDataFrame): # type: ignore def __init__(self, df, index_names=None): if index_names is not None and len(index_names) == 1: index_name = index_names[0] elif index_names is None or len(index_names) == 0: index_name = _gen_index_name(df) index_names = [index_name] else: index_name = None if index_name is not None and index_name not in df.columns: df_with_index = ( df.rdd.zipWithIndex() .map(lambda row: row[0] + (row[1],)) .toDF(df.columns + [index_name]) ) else: df_with_index = df table_name = get_table_name(df) if table_name is not None: df_with_index = df_with_index.alias(table_name) super().__init__(df_with_index._jdf, df_with_index.sql_ctx) self.index_name = index_name self.index_names = index_names for f in df.schema.fieldNames(): self.schema[f].metadata = df.schema[f].metadata def drop_indexes(self): result = self.drop(*self.index_names) result = add_table_name(result, get_table_name(self)) return result @property def columns_without_indexes(self): cols = list(self.columns) for name in self.index_names: cols.remove(name) return cols def toPandas(self, *args, **kwargs): df = super().toPandas(*args, **kwargs) return df.set_index(self.index_names) else:
[docs] class SparkDataFrameWithIndex: # type: ignore def __init__(self, df, index_names=None) -> None: raise ValueError("pyspark is not installed") # type: ignore @property def index_name(self) -> Union[str, None]: raise ValueError("pyspark is not installed") # type: ignore @property def index_names(self) -> List[str]: raise ValueError("pyspark is not installed") # type: ignore
[docs] def toPandas(self, *args, **kwargs) -> DataFrame: raise ValueError("pyspark is not installed") # type: ignore
@property def schema(self) -> Any: raise ValueError("pyspark is not installed") # type: ignore
[docs]def add_schema(obj, schema=None, raise_on_failure=False, recalc=False) -> Any: from lale.settings import disable_data_schema_validation if disable_data_schema_validation: return obj if obj is None: return None if isinstance(obj, NDArrayWithSchema): result = obj elif isinstance(obj, ndarray): result = obj.view(NDArrayWithSchema) elif isinstance(obj, SeriesWithSchema): result = obj elif isinstance(obj, Series): result = SeriesWithSchema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, DataFrameWithSchema): result = obj elif isinstance(obj, DataFrame): result = DataFrameWithSchema(obj) elif is_list_tensor(obj): obj = np.array(obj) result = obj.view(NDArrayWithSchema) elif raise_on_failure: raise ValueError(f"unexpected type(obj) {type(obj)}") else: return obj if recalc: setattr(result, "json_schema", None) if getattr(result, "json_schema", None) is None: if schema is None: setattr(result, "json_schema", to_schema(obj)) else: lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(schema) setattr(result, "json_schema", schema) return result
[docs]def add_schema_adjusting_n_rows(obj, schema): assert isinstance(obj, (ndarray, DataFrame, Series)), type(obj) assert schema.get("type", None) == "array", schema n_rows = obj.shape[0] mod_schema = {**schema, "minItems": n_rows, "maxItems": n_rows} result = add_schema(obj, mod_schema) return result
[docs]def add_table_name(obj, name) -> Any: if obj is None: return None if name is None: return obj if spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkDataFrame): # alias method documentation: # Python class DataFrame with method alias(self, alias): # Scala type DataFrame: # Scala class DataSet with method as(alias: String): o = obj.alias(name) for f in obj.schema.fieldNames(): o.schema[f].metadata = obj.schema[f].metadata if isinstance(obj, SparkDataFrameWithIndex): o = SparkDataFrameWithIndex(o, obj.index_names) return o if isinstance(obj, NDArrayWithSchema): result = obj.view(NDArrayWithSchema) if hasattr(obj, "json_schema"): result.json_schema = obj.json_schema elif isinstance(obj, ndarray): result = obj.view(NDArrayWithSchema) elif isinstance(obj, SeriesWithSchema): result = obj.copy(deep=False) if hasattr(obj, "json_schema"): result.json_schema = obj.json_schema elif isinstance(obj, Series): result = SeriesWithSchema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, DataFrameWithSchema): result = obj.copy(deep=False) if hasattr(obj, "json_schema"): result.json_schema = obj.json_schema elif isinstance(obj, DataFrame): result = DataFrameWithSchema(obj) elif is_list_tensor(obj): obj = np.array(obj) result = obj.view(NDArrayWithSchema) elif isinstance(obj, (DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy)): result = obj elif spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkGroupedData): result = obj else: raise ValueError(f"unexpected type(obj) {type(obj)}") setattr(result, "table_name", name) return result
[docs]def get_table_name(obj): if spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkDataFrame): # Python class DataFrame with field self._jdf: # Scala type DataFrame: # Scala class DataSet with field queryExecution: # Scala fields turn into Java nullary methods # Py4J exposes Java methods as Python methods # Scala class QueryExecution with field analyzed: LogicalPlan: spark_query = obj._jdf.queryExecution().analyzed() # type: ignore try: # calling spark_df.explain("extended") shows the analyzed contents # after spark_df.alias("foo"), analyzed contents should be SubqueryAlias # Scala class SuqueryAlias with field identifier: # str(..) converts the Java string into a Python string result = str(spark_query.identifier()) except py4j.protocol.Py4JError: result = None return result if isinstance( obj, ( NDArrayWithSchema, SeriesWithSchema, DataFrameWithSchema, DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy, ), ) or (spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkGroupedData)): return getattr(obj, "table_name", None) return None
[docs]def get_index_name(obj): result = None if spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkDataFrameWithIndex): result = obj.index_name elif isinstance( obj, ( SeriesWithSchema, DataFrameWithSchema, DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy, ), ): result = return result
[docs]def get_index_names(obj): result = None if spark_installed and isinstance(obj, SparkDataFrameWithIndex): result = obj.index_names elif isinstance( obj, ( SeriesWithSchema, DataFrameWithSchema, DataFrameGroupBy, SeriesGroupBy, ), ): result = obj.index.names return result
[docs]def forward_metadata(old, new): new = add_table_name(new, get_table_name(old)) if isinstance(old, SparkDataFrameWithIndex): new = SparkDataFrameWithIndex(new, index_names=get_index_names(old)) return new
[docs]def strip_schema(obj): if isinstance(obj, NDArrayWithSchema): result = np.array(obj) assert type(result) is ndarray # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck elif isinstance(obj, SeriesWithSchema): result = Series(obj) assert type(result) is Series # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck elif isinstance(obj, DataFrameWithSchema): result = DataFrame(obj) assert type(result) is DataFrame # pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck else: result = obj return result
def _dtype_to_schema(typ) -> JSON_TYPE: result: JSON_TYPE if typ is bool or issubdtype(typ, np.bool_): result = {"type": "boolean"} elif issubdtype(typ, np.unsignedinteger): result = {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0} elif issubdtype(typ, np.integer): result = {"type": "integer"} elif issubdtype(typ, np.number): result = {"type": "number"} elif issubdtype(typ, np.string_) or issubdtype(typ, np.unicode_): result = {"type": "string"} elif isinstance(typ, np.dtype): if typ.fields: props = {k: _dtype_to_schema(t) for k, t in typ.fields.items()} result = {"type": "object", "properties": props} elif typ.shape: result = _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(typ.shape, typ.subdtype) elif issubdtype(typ, np.object_): result = {"type": "string"} else: assert False, f"unexpected dtype {typ}" else: assert False, f"unexpected non-dtype {typ}" return result
[docs]def dtype_to_schema(typ) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _dtype_to_schema(typ) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(shape, dtype) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _dtype_to_schema(dtype) for dim in reversed(shape): result = {"type": "array", "minItems": dim, "maxItems": dim, "items": result} return result
[docs]def shape_and_dtype_to_schema(shape, dtype) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(shape, dtype) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
[docs]def list_tensor_to_shape_and_dtype(ls) -> Optional[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Type]]: if isinstance(ls, (int, float, str)): return ((), type(ls)) if isinstance(ls, list): sub_result: Any = "Any" for item in ls: item_result = list_tensor_to_shape_and_dtype(item) if item_result is None: return None if sub_result == "Any": sub_result = item_result elif sub_result != item_result: return None if sub_result == "Any" and len(ls) == 0: return ((len(ls),) + (), int) sub_shape, sub_dtype = sub_result return ((len(ls),) + sub_shape, sub_dtype) return None
[docs]def is_list_tensor(obj) -> bool: if isinstance(obj, list): shape_and_dtype = list_tensor_to_shape_and_dtype(obj) return shape_and_dtype is not None return False
def _list_tensor_to_schema(ls) -> Optional[JSON_TYPE]: shape_and_dtype = list_tensor_to_shape_and_dtype(ls) if shape_and_dtype is None: return None result = _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(*shape_and_dtype) return result
[docs]def list_tensor_to_schema(ls) -> Optional[JSON_TYPE]: result = _list_tensor_to_schema(ls) if result is None: return None lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _ndarray_to_schema(array) -> JSON_TYPE: assert isinstance(array, ndarray) if ( isinstance(array, NDArrayWithSchema) and hasattr(array, "json_schema") and array.json_schema is not None ): return array.json_schema return _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(array.shape, array.dtype)
[docs]def ndarray_to_schema(array) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _ndarray_to_schema(array) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _csr_matrix_to_schema(matrix) -> JSON_TYPE: assert isinstance(matrix, csr_matrix) result = _shape_and_dtype_to_schema(matrix.shape, matrix.dtype) result["isSparse"] = {} # true schema return result
[docs]def csr_matrix_to_schema(matrix) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _csr_matrix_to_schema(matrix) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _dataframe_to_schema(df) -> JSON_TYPE: assert isinstance(df, DataFrame) if ( isinstance(df, DataFrameWithSchema) and hasattr(df, "json_schema") and df.json_schema is not None ): return df.json_schema n_rows, n_columns = df.shape df_dtypes = df.dtypes assert n_columns == len(df.columns) and n_columns == len(df_dtypes) items = [ {"description": str(col), **_dtype_to_schema(df_dtypes[col])} for col in df.columns ] result = { "type": "array", "minItems": n_rows, "maxItems": n_rows, "items": { "type": "array", "minItems": n_columns, "maxItems": n_columns, "items": items, }, } return result
[docs]def dataframe_to_schema(df) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _dataframe_to_schema(df) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _series_to_schema(series) -> JSON_TYPE: assert isinstance(series, Series) if ( isinstance(series, SeriesWithSchema) and hasattr(series, "json_schema") and series.json_schema is not None ): return series.json_schema (n_rows,) = series.shape result = { "type": "array", "minItems": n_rows, "maxItems": n_rows, "items": {"description": str(, **_dtype_to_schema(series.dtype)}, } return result
[docs]def series_to_schema(series) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _series_to_schema(series) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _torch_tensor_to_schema(tensor) -> JSON_TYPE: assert torch_installed, """Your Python environment does not have torch installed. You can install it with pip install torch or with pip install 'lale[full]'""" assert isinstance(tensor, Tensor) result: JSON_TYPE # if tensor.dtype == torch.bool: result = {"type": "boolean"} elif tensor.dtype == torch.uint8: result = {"type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 255} elif torch.is_floating_point(tensor): result = {"type": "number"} else: result = {"type": "integer"} for dim in reversed(tensor.shape): result = {"type": "array", "minItems": dim, "maxItems": dim, "items": result} return result
[docs]def torch_tensor_to_schema(tensor) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _torch_tensor_to_schema(tensor) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
[docs]def is_liac_arff(obj) -> bool: expected_types = { "description": str, "relation": str, "attributes": list, "data": list, } if not isinstance(obj, dict): return False for k, t in expected_types.items(): if k not in obj or not isinstance(obj[k], t): return False return True
def _liac_arff_to_schema(larff) -> JSON_TYPE: assert is_liac_arff( larff ), """Your Python environment might contain an 'arff' package different from 'liac-arff'. You can install it with pip install 'liac-arff>=2.4.0' or with pip install 'lale[full]'""" n_rows, n_columns = len(larff["data"]), len(larff["attributes"]) def larff_type_to_schema(larff_type) -> JSON_TYPE: if isinstance(larff_type, str): a2j = { "numeric": "number", "real": "number", "integer": "integer", "string": "string", } return {"type": a2j[larff_type.lower()]} assert isinstance(larff_type, list) return {"enum": [*larff_type]} items = [ {"description": attr[0], **larff_type_to_schema(attr[1])} for attr in larff["attributes"] ] result = { "type": "array", "minItems": n_rows, "maxItems": n_rows, "items": { "type": "array", "minItems": n_columns, "maxItems": n_columns, "items": items, }, } return result
[docs]def liac_arff_to_schema(larff) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _liac_arff_to_schema(larff) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
[docs]def make_optional_schema(schema: JSON_TYPE) -> JSON_TYPE: return {"anyOf": [schema, {"enum": [None]}]}
def _spark_df_to_schema(df) -> JSON_TYPE: assert spark_installed, """Your Python environment does not have spark installed. You can install it with pip install pyspark """ assert isinstance(df, SparkDataFrameWithIndex) import pyspark.sql.types as stypes from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType def maybe_make_optional(schema: JSON_TYPE, is_option: bool) -> JSON_TYPE: if is_option: return make_optional_schema(schema) return schema def spark_datatype_to_json_schema(dtype: stypes.DataType) -> JSON_TYPE: if isinstance(dtype, stypes.ArrayType): return { "type": "array", "items": maybe_make_optional( spark_datatype_to_json_schema(dtype.elementType), dtype.containsNull ), } if isinstance(dtype, stypes.BooleanType): return {"type": "boolean"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.DoubleType): return {"type": "number"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.FloatType): return {"type": "number"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.IntegerType): return {"type": "integer"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.LongType): return {"type": "integer"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.ShortType): return {"type": "integer"} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.NullType): return {"enum": [None]} if isinstance(dtype, stypes.StringType): return {"type": "string"} return {} def spark_struct_field_to_json_schema(f: StructField) -> JSON_TYPE: type_schema = spark_datatype_to_json_schema(f.dataType) result = maybe_make_optional(type_schema, f.nullable) if is not None: result["description"] = return result def spark_struct_to_json_schema( s: StructType, index_names, table_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> JSON_TYPE: items = [ spark_struct_field_to_json_schema(f) for f in s if not in index_names ] num_items = len(items) result = { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "array", "description": "rows", "minItems": num_items, "maxItems": num_items, "items": items, }, } if table_name is not None: result["description"] = table_name return result return spark_struct_to_json_schema(df.schema, df.index_names, get_table_name(df))
[docs]def spark_df_to_schema(df) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _spark_df_to_schema(df) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result
def _to_schema(obj) -> JSON_TYPE: result = None if obj is None: result = {"enum": [None]} elif isinstance(obj, ndarray): result = _ndarray_to_schema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, csr_matrix): result = _csr_matrix_to_schema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, DataFrame): result = _dataframe_to_schema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Series): result = _series_to_schema(obj) elif torch_installed and isinstance(obj, Tensor): result = _torch_tensor_to_schema(obj) elif is_liac_arff(obj): result = _liac_arff_to_schema(obj) elif isinstance(obj, list): result = _list_tensor_to_schema(obj) elif _is_spark_df(obj): result = _spark_df_to_schema(obj) elif lale.type_checking.is_schema(obj): result = obj # Does not need to validate again the schema return result # type: ignore if result is None: raise ValueError(f"to_schema(obj), type {type(obj)}, value {obj}") return result
[docs]def to_schema(obj) -> JSON_TYPE: result = _to_schema(obj) lale.type_checking.validate_is_schema(result) return result