Source code for

# Copyright 2019 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import jsonschema

import lale.type_checking
from lale.operators import (
from lale.schema_simplifier import (
from lale.schema_utils import (
from import search_space_to_str_for_comparison
from import PGO, Freqs
from import (
from lale.util import VisitorPathError
from lale.util.Visitor import Visitor, accept

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class OperatorSchemaError(VisitorPathError): def __init__(self, sub_path: Any, message: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__([], message) self.sub_path = sub_path
[docs] def get_message_str(self) -> str: msg = super().get_message_str() if self.sub_path is None: return msg else: return f"for path {self.sub_path}: {msg}"
[docs]def op_to_search_space( op: PlannedOperator, pgo: Optional[PGO] = None, data_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> SearchSpace: """Given an operator, this method compiles its schemas into a SearchSpace""" search_space =, pgo=pgo, data_schema=data_schema) if should_print_search_space("true", "all", "search_space"): name = if not name: name = "an operator" print(f"search space for {name}:\n {str(search_space)}") return search_space
[docs]def get_default(schema) -> Optional[Any]: d = schema.get("default", None) if d is not None: try: s = forOptimizer(schema) lale.type_checking._validator.validate(d, s) return d except jsonschema.ValidationError: logger.debug( f"get_default: default {d} not used because it is not valid for the schema {schema}" ) return None return None
[docs]class FreqsWrapper: base: Optional[Dict[str, Freqs]] def __init__(self, base: Optional[Dict[str, Freqs]]): self.base = base
[docs]def pgo_lookup(pgo: Optional[PGO], name: str) -> Optional[FreqsWrapper]: if pgo is None: return None else: freqs: Optional[Dict[str, Freqs]] = None if pgo is not None: freqs = pgo.get(name, None) return FreqsWrapper(freqs)
pgo_part = Union[FreqsWrapper, Freqs, None]
[docs]def freqs_wrapper_lookup(part: pgo_part, k: str) -> pgo_part: if part is None: return None elif isinstance(part, FreqsWrapper): f = part.base if f is not None and k in f: return f[k] else: return None else: return None
[docs]def asFreqs(part: pgo_part) -> Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Any, int]]]: if part is None: return None elif isinstance(part, FreqsWrapper): return None else: return part.items()
[docs]def add_sub_space(space, k, v): """Given a search space and a "key", if the defined subschema does not exist, set it to be the constant v space """ # TODO! # I should parse __ and such and walk down the schema if isinstance(space, SearchSpaceObject): if k not in space.keys: space.keys.append(k) space.choices = (c + (SearchSpaceConstant(v),) for c in space.choices) return
# TODO: do we use 'path' above anymore? # or do we just add the paths later as needed?
[docs]class SearchSpaceOperatorVisitor(Visitor): pgo: Optional[PGO] data_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
[docs] @classmethod def run( cls, op: PlannedOperator, pgo: Optional[PGO] = None, data_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> SearchSpace: visitor = cls(pgo=pgo, data_schema=data_schema) return accept(op, visitor)
def __init__( self, pgo: Optional[PGO] = None, data_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): super().__init__() self.pgo = pgo self.data_schema = data_schema
[docs] def visitPlannedIndividualOp(self, op: PlannedIndividualOp) -> SearchSpace: schema = op._hyperparam_schema_with_hyperparams(self.data_schema) module = op._impl.__module__ if module is None or module == str.__class__.__module__: # type: ignore long_name = else: long_name = module + "." + name = space = self.schemaToSearchSpace(long_name, name, schema) if space is None: space = SearchSpaceEmpty() # we now augment the search space as needed with the specified hyper-parameters # even if they are marked as not relevant to the optimizer, we still want to include them now if hasattr(op, "_hyperparams"): hyperparams = op.hyperparams() if hyperparams: for k, v in hyperparams.items(): add_sub_space(space, k, v) return space
visitTrainableIndividualOp = visitPlannedIndividualOp visitTrainedIndividualOp = visitPlannedIndividualOp
[docs] def visitPlannedPipeline(self, op: "PlannedPipeline") -> SearchSpace: spaces: List[Tuple[str, SearchSpace]] = [ (, accept(s, self)) for s in op.steps_list() ] return SearchSpaceProduct(spaces)
visitTrainablePipeline = visitPlannedPipeline visitTrainedPipeline = visitPlannedPipeline
[docs] def visitOperatorChoice(self, op: "OperatorChoice") -> SearchSpace: spaces: List[SearchSpace] = [accept(s, self) for s in op.steps_list()] return SearchSpaceSum(spaces)
# functions to actually convert an individual operator # schema into a search space
[docs] def JsonSchemaToSearchSpaceHelper( self, longName: str, path: str, schema: JsonSchema, relevantFields: Optional[Set[str]], pgo_freqs: pgo_part = None, sub_space: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, SearchSpace]: if "properties" not in schema: return {} props = schema["properties"] hyp: Dict[str, SearchSpace] = {} for p, s in props.items(): if relevantFields is None or p in relevantFields: # We would need to specify what is correct in that case sub_freqs = freqs_wrapper_lookup(pgo_freqs, p) sub_sch = self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, path + "_" + p, s, None, pgo_freqs=sub_freqs ) if sub_sch is None: # if it is a required field, this entire thing should be None hyp[p] = SearchSpaceConstant(None) else: hyp[p] = sub_sch else: logger.debug(f"schemaToSearchSpace: skipping not relevant field {p}") return hyp
[docs] def schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( self, longName, path: str, schema: JsonSchema, relevantFields: Optional[Set[str]], pgo_freqs: pgo_part = None, sub_space: bool = True, ) -> Optional[SearchSpace]: # TODO: handle degenerate cases # right now, this handles only a very fixed form if is_false_schema(schema): return None typ: Optional[str] = None typ = schema.get("laleType", None) if typ is None: typ = schema.get("type", None) if "enum" in schema and typ != "operator": vals = schema["enum"] return SearchSpaceEnum( vals, pgo=asFreqs(pgo_freqs), default=get_default(schema) ) if typ is not None: if typ == "boolean": return SearchSpaceBool( pgo=asFreqs(pgo_freqs), default=get_default(schema) ) elif typ in ["number", "integer"]: exclusive_minimum = False minimum = schema.get("minimumForOptimizer", None) if minimum is not None: exclusive_minimum = schema.get( "exclusiveMinimumForOptimizer", False ) else: minimum = schema.get("minimum", None) if minimum is not None: exclusive_minimum = schema.get("exclusiveMinimum", False) exclusive_maximum = False maximum = schema.get("maximumForOptimizer", None) if maximum is not None: exclusive_maximum = schema.get( "exclusiveMaximumForOptimizer", False ) else: maximum = schema.get("maximum", None) if maximum is not None: exclusive_maximum = schema.get("exclusiveMaximum", False) distribution = schema.get("distribution", "uniform") if not isinstance(distribution, str): raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"specified distribution should be a string, not: {distribution}.", ) laleType = schema.get("laleType", None) if laleType is None: laleType = typ if laleType == "number": discrete = False elif laleType == "integer": discrete = True else: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"specified laleType should be a number or integer, not: {laleType}.", ) return SearchSpaceNumber( minimum=minimum, exclusiveMinimum=exclusive_minimum, maximum=maximum, exclusiveMaximum=exclusive_maximum, discrete=discrete, distribution=distribution, pgo=asFreqs(pgo_freqs), default=get_default(schema), ) elif typ in ["array", "tuple"]: laleType = schema.get("laleType", None) if laleType is None: laleType = typ is_tuple: bool = laleType == "tuple" min_items = schema.get("minItemsForOptimizer", None) if min_items is None: min_items = schema.get("minItems", None) if min_items is None: min_items = 0 max_items = schema.get("maxItemsForOptimizer", None) if max_items is None: max_items = schema.get("maxItems", None) items_schema = schema.get("itemsForOptimizer", None) if items_schema is None: items_schema = schema.get("items", None) if items_schema is None: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"An array type was found without a provided schema for the items in the schema {schema}. Please provide a schema for the items (consider using itemsForOptimizer)", ) # we can search an empty list even without schemas if max_items == 0: if is_tuple: return SearchSpaceConstant([()]) else: return SearchSpaceConstant([[]]) prefix: Optional[List[SearchSpace]] = None additional: Optional[SearchSpace] = None if isinstance(items_schema, list): prefix = [] for i, sub_schema in enumerate(items_schema): sub = self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, path + "_" + str(i), sub_schema, relevantFields ) if sub is None: return None else: prefix.append(sub) prefix_len = len(prefix) additional_items_schema = schema.get( "additionalItemsForOptimizer", None ) if additional_items_schema is None: additional_items_schema = schema.get("additionalItems", None) if additional_items_schema is None: if max_items is None or max_items > prefix_len: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"An array type was found with provided schemas for {prefix_len} elements, but either an unspecified or too high a maxItems, and no schema for the additionalItems. Please constraing maxItems to <= {prefix_len} (you can set maxItemsForOptimizer), or provide a schema for additionalItems", ) elif additional_items_schema is False: if max_items is None: max_items = prefix_len else: max_items = min(max_items, prefix_len) else: additional = self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, path + "-", additional_items_schema, relevantFields, ) # if items_schema is None: # raise ValueError(f"an array type was found without a provided schema for the items in the schema {schema}. Please provide a schema for the items (consider using itemsForOptimizer)") else: additional = self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, path + "-", items_schema, relevantFields ) if max_items is None: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"An array type was found without a provided maximum number of items in the schema {schema}, and it is not a list with 'additionalItems' set to False. Please provide a maximum (consider using maxItemsForOptimizer), or, if you are using a list, set additionalItems to False", ) return SearchSpaceArray( prefix=prefix, minimum=min_items, maximum=max_items, additional=additional, is_tuple=is_tuple, ) elif typ == "object": if "properties" not in schema: return SearchSpaceObject(longName, [], []) o = self.JsonSchemaToSearchSpaceHelper( longName, path, schema, relevantFields, pgo_freqs=pgo_freqs, sub_space=sub_space, ) if sub_space: return SearchSpaceDict(o) else: all_keys = list(o.keys()) all_keys.sort() o_choice = tuple(o.get(k, None) for k in all_keys) return SearchSpaceObject(longName, all_keys, [o_choice]) elif typ == "string": pass elif typ == "operator": # TODO: If there is a default, we could use it vals = schema.get("enum", None) if vals is None: logger.error( "An operator is required by the schema but was not provided" ) return None sub_schemas: List[SearchSpace] = [ ( accept(op, self) if isinstance(op, Operator) else SearchSpaceConstant(op) ) for op in vals ] combined_sub_schema: SearchSpace if len(sub_schemas) == 1: combined_sub_schema = sub_schemas[0] if isinstance(combined_sub_schema, SearchSpaceConstant): return combined_sub_schema else: combined_sub_schema = SearchSpaceSum(sub_schemas) if all((isinstance(x, SearchSpaceConstant) for x in sub_schemas)): return combined_sub_schema return SearchSpaceOperator(combined_sub_schema) elif typ == "Any": raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"A search space was found with laleType ({typ}), which is not searchable. Please mark the relevant hyperparameter as not relevant for the optimizer. schema: {schema}", ) else: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"An unknown type ({typ}) was found in the schema {schema}" ) if "anyOf" in schema: objs = [] for s_obj in schema["anyOf"]: if "type" in s_obj and s_obj["type"] == "object": o = self.JsonSchemaToSearchSpaceHelper( longName, path, s_obj, relevantFields, pgo_freqs=pgo_freqs, sub_space=sub_space, ) if o: objs.append(o) if objs: # First, gather a list of all the properties keys_list = [set(o.keys()) for o in objs] # make sure the iterator is deterministic all_keys = list(set.union(*keys_list)) # and we might as well make it sorted all_keys.sort() def as_str(k, c): if c is None: return "None" else: return search_space_to_str_for_comparison(c, path + "_" + k) anys: Dict[str, Any] = {} for o in objs: o_choice = tuple(o.get(k, None) for k in all_keys) k = str( [as_str(all_keys[idx], c) for idx, c in enumerate(o_choice)] ) if k in anys:"Ignoring Duplicate SearchSpace entry {k}") anys[k] = o_choice return SearchSpaceObject(longName, all_keys, anys.values()) else: return SearchSpaceObject(longName, [], []) if "allOf" in schema: # if all but one are negated constraints, we will just ignore them pos_sub_schema: List[JsonSchema] = [] for sub_schema in schema["allOf"]: if "not" not in sub_schema: pos_sub_schema.append(sub_schema) if len(pos_sub_schema) > 1: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"schemaToSearchSpaceHelper does not yet know how to compile the given schema {schema}, because it is an allOf with more than one non-negated schemas ({pos_sub_schema})", ) if len(pos_sub_schema) == 0: raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"schemaToSearchSpaceHelper does not yet know how to compile the given schema {schema}, because it is an allOf with only negated schemas", ) logger.debug( f"[{path}]: schemaToSearchSpaceHelper: ignoring negated schemas in the conjunction {schema}" ) return self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, path, pos_sub_schema[0], relevantFields, pgo_freqs=pgo_freqs, sub_space=sub_space, ) # TODO: handle degenerate cases raise OperatorSchemaError( path, f"schemaToSearchSpaceHelper does not yet know how to compile the given schema {schema}", )
[docs] def schemaToSearchSpaceHelper( self, longName, schema: Optional[JsonSchema], relevantFields: Optional[Set[str]], pgo_freqs: pgo_part = None, sub_space: bool = True, ) -> Optional[SearchSpace]: if schema is None or is_false_schema(schema): return None else: if sub_space: relevantFields = None return self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper_( longName, longName, schema, relevantFields, pgo_freqs=pgo_freqs, sub_space=sub_space, )
[docs] def schemaToSimplifiedAndSearchSpace( self, longName: str, name: str, schema: JsonSchema ) -> Tuple[Optional[JsonSchema], Optional[SearchSpace]]: schema = narrowToRelevantConstraints(schema) relevantFields = findRelevantFields(schema) if relevantFields: schema = narrowToGivenRelevantFields(schema, relevantFields) if has_operator(schema): atomize_schema_enumerations(schema) simplified_schema = simplify(schema, True) # from .. import pretty_print # print(f"SIMPLIFIED_{longName}: {pretty_print.to_string(simplified_schema)}") filtered_schema: Optional[JsonSchema] = filterForOptimizer(simplified_schema) # print(f'SIMPLIFIED_{longName}: {pretty_print.to_string(filtered_schema)}') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING): op_warnings: List[str] = [] check_operators_schema(filtered_schema, op_warnings) if op_warnings: for w in op_warnings: logger.warning(w) return ( filtered_schema, self.schemaToSearchSpaceHelper( longName, filtered_schema, relevantFields, pgo_freqs=pgo_lookup(self.pgo, name), sub_space=False, ), )
[docs] def schemaToSearchSpace( self, longName: str, name: str, schema: JsonSchema ) -> Optional[SearchSpace]: (_s, h) = self.schemaToSimplifiedAndSearchSpace(longName, name, schema) return h