lale.lib.sklearn.k_neighbors_classifier module

class lale.lib.sklearn.k_neighbors_classifier.KNeighborsClassifier(*, n_neighbors=5, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, p=2, metric='minkowski', metric_params=None, n_jobs=None)

Bases: PlannedIndividualOp

K nearest neighbors classifier from scikit-learn.

This documentation is auto-generated from JSON schemas.

  • n_neighbors (integer, >=1, <='X/maxItems', <=100 for optimizer, uniform distribution, default 5) – Number of neighbors to use by default for kneighbors queries.

  • weights (‘uniform’ or ‘distance’, default ‘uniform’) – Weight function used in prediction.

  • algorithm (‘ball_tree’, ‘kd_tree’, ‘brute’, or ‘auto’, default ‘auto’) – Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors.

  • leaf_size (integer, >=1, <=100 for optimizer, uniform distribution, not for optimizer, default 30) – Leaf size passed to BallTree or KDTree.

  • p (integer, >=1, <=3 for optimizer, uniform distribution, default 2) – Power parameter for the Minkowski metric.

  • metric (‘euclidean’, ‘manhattan’, or ‘minkowski’, default ‘minkowski’) – The distance metric to use for the tree.

  • metric_params (union type, not for optimizer, default None) –

    Additional keyword arguments for the metric function.

    • None

    • or dict

  • n_jobs (union type, not for optimizer, default None) –

    Number of parallel jobs to run for the neighbor search.

    • None

      1 unless in joblib.parallel_backend context.

    • or -1

      Use all processors.

    • or integer, >=1

      Number of CPU cores.

fit(X, y=None, **fit_params)

Train the operator.

Note: The fit method is not available until this operator is trainable.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:

  • X (array of items : array of items : float) – Features; the outer array is over samples.

  • y (union type) –

    Target class labels; the array is over samples.

    • array of items : float

    • or array of items : array of items : float

    • or array of items : string

    • or array of items : boolean

predict(X, **predict_params)

Make predictions.

Note: The predict method is not available until this operator is trained.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:


X (array of items : array of items : float) – Features; the outer array is over samples.


result – Predicted class label per sample.

  • array of items : float

  • or array of items : array of items : float

  • or array of items : string

  • or array of items : boolean

Return type

union type


Probability estimates for all classes.

Note: The predict_proba method is not available until this operator is trained.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:


X (array of items : array of items : float) – Features; the outer array is over samples.


result – Probability of the sample for each class in the model.

Return type

array of items : array of items : float