lale.lib.sklearn.min_max_scaler module

class lale.lib.sklearn.min_max_scaler.MinMaxScaler(*, feature_range='(0, 1)', copy=True, clip=False)

Bases: PlannedIndividualOp

Min-max scaler transformer from scikit-learn.

This documentation is auto-generated from JSON schemas.

  • feature_range (tuple, >=2 items, <=2 items, not for optimizer, default (0, 1)) –

    Desired range of transformed data.

    • item 0 : float, >=-1 for optimizer, <=0 for optimizer

    • item 1 : float, >=0.001 for optimizer, <=1 for optimizer

  • copy (boolean, not for optimizer, default True) – Set to False to perform inplace row normalization and avoid a copy (if the input is already a numpy array).

  • clip (boolean, optional, not for optimizer, default False) – Set to True to clip transformed values of held-out data to provided feature range.


constraint-1 : negated type of ‘X/isSparse’

MinMaxScaler does not support sparse input. Consider using MaxAbsScaler instead.

fit(X, y=None, **fit_params)

Train the operator.

Note: The fit method is not available until this operator is trainable.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:

  • X (array of items : array of items : float) – Features; the outer array is over samples.

  • y (any type, optional) –

partial_fit(X, y=None, **fit_params)

Incremental fit to train train the operator on a batch of samples.

Note: The partial_fit method is not available until this operator is trainable.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:

transform(X, y=None)

Transform the data.

Note: The transform method is not available until this operator is trained.

Once this method is available, it will have the following signature:


X (array of items : array of items : float) – Features; the outer array is over samples.


result – Output data schema for transformed data.

Return type

array of items : array of items : float