Source code for lale.lib.rasl.functions

# Copyright 2020 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Protocol, TypeVar

import numpy as np

from lale.helpers import _is_pandas_df, _is_spark_df

from ..dataframe import (
from .monoid import Monoid, MonoidFactory

    import pyspark.sql.functions

    spark_installed = True
except ImportError:
    spark_installed = False

class _column_distinct_count_data(Monoid):
    def __init__(self, df, limit: Optional[int] = None):
        self.limit = limit
        self.df = make_series_distinct(df)

    def __len__(self):
        return count(self.df)

    def is_absorbing(self):
        if self.limit is None:
            return False
            return len(self) > self.limit

    def combine(self, other: "_column_distinct_count_data"):
        if self.is_absorbing:
            return self
        elif other.is_absorbing:
            return other
            c = make_series_concat(self.df, other.df)
            return _column_distinct_count_data(c, limit=self.limit)

# numpy or sparkdf or pandas
_Batch = Any

[docs]class count_distinct_column(MonoidFactory[_Batch, int, _column_distinct_count_data]): """ Counts the number of distinct elements in a given column. If a limit is specified, then, once the limit is reached, the count may no longer be accurate (but will always remain over the limit). """ def __init__(self, col: column_index, limit: Optional[int] = None): self._col = col self._limit = limit
[docs] def to_monoid(self, batch) -> _column_distinct_count_data: c = select_col(batch, self._col) return _column_distinct_count_data(c, limit=self._limit)
[docs] def from_monoid(self, monoid: _column_distinct_count_data) -> int: return len(monoid)
[docs]class categorical_column(MonoidFactory[_Batch, bool, _column_distinct_count_data]): """ Determines if a column should be considered categorical, by seeing if there are more than threshold distinct values in it """ def __init__(self, col: column_index, threshold: int = 5): self._col = col self._threshold = threshold
[docs] def to_monoid(self, batch) -> _column_distinct_count_data: c = select_col(batch, self._col) return _column_distinct_count_data(c, limit=self._threshold)
[docs] def from_monoid(self, monoid: _column_distinct_count_data) -> bool: return not monoid.is_absorbing
[docs]class make_categorical_column: def __init__(self, threshold=5): self._threshold = threshold def __call__(self, col): return categorical_column(col, threshold=self._threshold)
_D = TypeVar("_D", bound=Monoid)
[docs]class DictMonoid(Generic[_D], Monoid): """ Given a monoid, this class lifts it to a dictionary pointwise """ def __init__(self, m: Dict[Any, _D]): self._m = m
[docs] def combine(self, other: "DictMonoid[_D]"): r = {k: self._m[k].combine(other._m[k]) for k in self._m.keys()} return DictMonoid(r)
@property def is_absorbing(self): return all(v.is_absorbing for v in self._m.values())
[docs]class ColumnSelector(MonoidFactory[_Batch, List[column_index], _D], Protocol): def __call__(self, df) -> List[column_index]: return self.from_monoid(self.to_monoid(df))
[docs]class ColumnMonoidFactory(ColumnSelector[DictMonoid[_D]]): """ Given a MonoidFactory for deciding if a given column is valid, This returns the list of valid columns """ _makers: Optional[Dict[column_index, MonoidFactory[_Batch, bool, _D]]] def __init__( self, col_maker: Callable[[column_index], MonoidFactory[_Batch, bool, _D]] ): self._col_maker = col_maker self._makers = None def _get_makers(self, df): makers = self._makers if makers is None: indices = get_columns(df) makers = {k: self._col_maker(k) for k in indices} self._makers = makers return makers
[docs] def to_monoid(self, batch): makers = self._get_makers(batch) return DictMonoid({k: v.to_monoid(batch) for k, v in makers.items()})
[docs] def from_monoid(self, monoid: DictMonoid[_D]) -> List[column_index]: makers = self._makers assert makers is not None return [k for k, v in makers.items() if v.from_monoid(monoid._m[k])]
[docs]class categorical(ColumnMonoidFactory): """Creates a MonoidFactory (and callable) for projecting categorical columns with sklearn's ColumnTransformer or Lale's Project operator. Parameters ---------- max_values : int Maximum number of unique values in a column for it to be considered categorical. Returns ------- callable Function that, given a dataset X, returns a list of columns, containing either string column names or integer column indices.""" def __init__(self, max_values: int = 5): super().__init__(make_categorical_column(max_values))
[docs]class date_time: """Creates a callable for projecting date/time columns with sklearn's ColumnTransformer or Lale's Project operator. Parameters ---------- fmt : str Format string for `strptime()`, see Returns ------- callable Function that, given a dataset X, returns a list of columns, containing either string column names or integer column indices.""" def __init__(self, fmt): self._fmt = fmt def __repr__(self): return f"lale.lib.rasl.date_time(fmt={self._fmt})" def __call__(self, X): def is_date_time(column_values): try: for val in column_values: if isinstance(val, str): datetime.datetime.strptime(val, self._fmt) else: return False except ValueError: return False return True if _is_pandas_df(X): result = [c for c in X.columns if is_date_time(X[c])] elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray): result = [c for c in range(X.shape[1]) if is_date_time(X[:, c])] else: raise TypeError(f"unexpected type {type(X)}") return result
# functions for filter
[docs]def filter_isnan(df: Any, column_name: str): if _is_pandas_df(df): return df[df[column_name].isnull()] elif spark_installed and _is_spark_df(df): return df.filter(pyspark.sql.functions.isnan(df[column_name])) else: raise ValueError( "the filter isnan supports only Pandas dataframes or spark dataframes." )
[docs]def filter_isnotnan(df: Any, column_name: str): if _is_pandas_df(df): return df[df[column_name].notnull()] elif spark_installed and _is_spark_df(df): return df.filter(~pyspark.sql.functions.isnan(df[column_name])) else: raise ValueError( "the filter isnotnan supports only Pandas dataframes or spark dataframes." )
[docs]def filter_isnull(df: Any, column_name: str): if _is_pandas_df(df): return df[df[column_name].isnull()] elif spark_installed and _is_spark_df(df): return df.filter(pyspark.sql.functions.isnull(df[column_name])) else: raise ValueError( "the filter isnan supports only Pandas dataframes or spark dataframes." )
[docs]def filter_isnotnull(df: Any, column_name: str): if _is_pandas_df(df): return df[df[column_name].notnull()] elif spark_installed and _is_spark_df(df): return df.filter(~pyspark.sql.functions.isnull(df[column_name])) else: raise ValueError( "the filter isnotnan supports only Pandas dataframes or spark dataframes." )