Source code for lale.pretty_print

# Copyright 2019-2022 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import ast
import importlib
import keyword
import logging
import math
import pprint
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast

import black
import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics

import lale.expressions
import lale.helpers
import lale.json_operator
import lale.operators
import lale.type_checking

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

JSON_TYPE = Dict[str, Any]
_black78 = black.FileMode(line_length=78)

class _CodeGenState:
    imports: List[str]
    assigns: List[str]
    external_wrapper_modules: List[str]

    def __init__(
        names: Set[str],
        combinators: bool,
        assign_nested: bool,
        customize_schema: bool,
        astype: str,
        self.imports = []
        self.assigns = []
        self.external_wrapper_modules = []
        self.combinators = combinators
        self.assign_nested = assign_nested
        self.customize_schema = customize_schema
        self.astype = astype
        self.gensym = lale.helpers.GenSym(
            | set(keyword.kwlist)
            | names

[docs]def hyperparams_to_string( hps: JSON_TYPE, steps: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, gen: Optional[_CodeGenState] = None, ) -> str: def sklearn_module(value): module = value.__module__ if module.startswith("sklearn."): i = module.rfind(".") if module[i + 1] == "_": module = module[:i] return module def value_to_string(value): if isinstance(value, dict): if "$ref" in value and steps is not None: step_uid = value["$ref"].split("/")[-1] return steps[step_uid] else: sl = {f"'{k}': {value_to_string(v)}" for k, v in value.items()} return "{" + ", ".join(sl) + "}" elif isinstance(value, tuple): sl = [value_to_string(v) for v in value] return "(" + ", ".join(sl) + ")" elif isinstance(value, list): sl = [value_to_string(v) for v in value] return "[" + ", ".join(sl) + "]" elif isinstance(value, range): return str(value) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)) and math.isnan(value): return "float('nan')" elif isinstance(value, np.dtype): if gen is not None: gen.imports.append("import numpy as np") return f"np.{repr(value)}" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if gen is not None: gen.imports.append("import numpy as np") array_expr = f"np.{repr(value)}" # For an array string representation, numpy includes dtype for some data types # we need to insert "np." for the dtype so that executing the pretty printed code # does not give any error for the dtype. The following code manipulates the # string representation given by numpy to add "np." for dtype. dtype_indx = array_expr.find("dtype") if dtype_indx != -1: array_dtype_expr = array_expr[dtype_indx:] dtype_name = array_dtype_expr.split("=")[1] return array_expr[:dtype_indx] + "dtype=np." + dtype_name return array_expr elif isinstance(value, np.ufunc): if gen is not None: gen.imports.append("import numpy as np") return f"np.{value.__name__}" # type: ignore elif isinstance(value, lale.expressions.Expr): v: lale.expressions.Expr = value e = v.expr if gen is not None: gen.imports.append("from lale.expressions import it") for node in ast.walk(e): if isinstance(node, ast.Call): f: Any = node.func gen.imports.append("from lale.expressions import " + return str(value) elif hasattr(value, "__module__") and hasattr(value, "__name__"): modules = {"numpy": "np", "pandas": "pd"} module = modules.get(value.__module__, value.__module__) if gen is not None: if value.__module__ == module: gen.imports.append(f"import {module}") else: gen.imports.append(f"import {value.__module__} as {module}") return f"{module}.{value.__name__}" # type: ignore elif hasattr(value, "get_params"): module = sklearn_module(value) if gen is not None: gen.imports.append(f"import {module}") actuals = value.get_params(False) # type: ignore defaults = lale.type_checking.get_hyperparam_defaults(value) non_defaults = { k: v for k, v in actuals.items() if k not in defaults or defaults[k] != v } kwargs_string = hyperparams_to_string(non_defaults, steps, gen) printed = f"{module}.{value.__class__.__name__}({kwargs_string})" return printed elif hasattr(sklearn.metrics, "_scorer") and isinstance( value, sklearn.metrics._scorer._BaseScorer ): if gen is not None: gen.imports.append("import sklearn.metrics") func = value._score_func # type: ignore module = sklearn_module(func) if gen is not None: gen.imports.append(f"import {module}") func_string = f"{module}.{func.__name__}" sign_strings = [] if value._sign > 0 else ["greater_is_better=False"] # type: ignore kwargs_strings = [ f"{k}={value_to_string(v)}" for k, v in value._kwargs.items() # type: ignore ] args_strings = [func_string, *sign_strings, *kwargs_strings] printed = f"sklearn.metrics.make_scorer({', '.join(args_strings)})" return printed else: printed = pprint.pformat(value, width=10000, compact=True) if printed.endswith(")"): m = re.match(r"(\w+)\(", printed) if m: module = value.__module__ if gen is not None: gen.imports.append(f"import {module}") printed = f"{module}.{printed}" if printed.startswith("<"): m = re.match(r"<(\w[\w.]*)\.(\w+) object at 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+>$", printed) if m: module, clazz =, if gen is not None: gen.imports.append(f"import {module}") # logger.warning(f"bare {clazz} with unknown constructor") printed = f"{module}.{clazz}()" return printed strings = [f"{k}={value_to_string(v)}" for k, v in hps.items()] return ", ".join(strings)
def _get_module_name(op_label: str, op_name: str, class_name: str) -> str: def find_op(module_name, sym): module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if hasattr(module, sym): op = getattr(module, sym) if isinstance(op, lale.operators.IndividualOp): if op.class_name() == class_name: return op elif hasattr(op, "__init__") and hasattr(op, "fit"): if hasattr(op, "predict") or hasattr(op, "transform"): return op return None mod_name_long = class_name[: class_name.rfind(".")] if mod_name_long.rfind(".") == -1: mod_name_short = mod_name_long else: mod_name_short = mod_name_long[: mod_name_long.rfind(".")] unqualified = class_name[class_name.rfind(".") + 1 :] if ( class_name.startswith("lale.") and unqualified.startswith("_") and unqualified.endswith("Impl") ): unqualified = unqualified[1 : -len("Impl")] op = find_op(mod_name_short, op_name) if op is not None: mod = mod_name_short else: op = find_op(mod_name_long, op_name) if op is not None: mod = mod_name_long else: op = find_op(mod_name_short, unqualified) if op is not None: mod = mod_name_short else: op = find_op(mod_name_long, unqualified) if op is not None: mod = mod_name_long else: assert False, (op_label, op_name, class_name) assert op is not None, (op_label, op_name, class_name) if isinstance(op, lale.operators.IndividualOp): if "import_from" in op._schemas: mod = op._schemas["import_from"] return mod def _get_wrapper_module_if_external(impl_class_name): # If the lale operator was not found in the list of libraries registered with # lale, return the operator's i.e. wrapper's module name # This is pass to `wrap_imported_operators` in the output of `pretty_print`. impl_name = impl_class_name[impl_class_name.rfind(".") + 1 :] impl_module_name = impl_class_name[: impl_class_name.rfind(".")] module = importlib.import_module(impl_module_name) if hasattr(module, impl_name): wrapped_model = getattr(module, impl_name) wrapper = lale.operators.get_op_from_lale_lib(wrapped_model) if wrapper is None: # TODO: The assumption here is that the operator is created in the same # module as where the impl is defined. # Do we have a better way to know where `make_operator` is called from instead? return impl_module_name else: return None return None def _op_kind(op: JSON_TYPE) -> str: assert isinstance(op, dict) if "kind" in op: return op["kind"] return lale.json_operator.json_op_kind(op) _OP_KIND_TO_COMBINATOR = {"Seq": ">>", "Par": "&", "OperatorChoice": "|"} _OP_KIND_TO_FUNCTION = { "Seq": "make_pipeline", "Par": "make_union_no_concat", "OperatorChoice": "make_choice", "Union": "make_union", } def _introduce_structure(pipeline: JSON_TYPE, gen: _CodeGenState) -> JSON_TYPE: assert _op_kind(pipeline) == "Pipeline" def make_graph(pipeline: JSON_TYPE) -> JSON_TYPE: steps = pipeline["steps"] preds: Dict[str, List[str]] = {step: [] for step in steps} succs: Dict[str, List[str]] = {step: [] for step in steps} for src, dst in pipeline["edges"]: preds[dst].append(src) succs[src].append(dst) return {"kind": "Graph", "steps": steps, "preds": preds, "succs": succs} def find_seq( graph: JSON_TYPE, ) -> Optional[Tuple[Dict[str, JSON_TYPE], Dict[str, JSON_TYPE]]]: for src in graph["steps"]: if len(graph["succs"][src]) == 1: dst = graph["succs"][src][0] if len(graph["preds"][dst]) == 1: old: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = { uid: graph["steps"][uid] for uid in [src, dst] } new_uid = None new_steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = {} for step_uid, step_jsn in old.items(): if _op_kind(step_jsn) == "Seq": # flatten new_steps.update(step_jsn["steps"]) if new_uid is None: new_uid = step_uid else: new_steps[step_uid] = step_jsn if new_uid is None: new_uid = gen.gensym("pipeline") new = {new_uid: {"kind": "Seq", "steps": new_steps}} return old, new return None def find_par( graph: JSON_TYPE, ) -> Optional[Tuple[Dict[str, JSON_TYPE], Dict[str, JSON_TYPE]]]: step_uids = list(graph["steps"].keys()) for i0 in range(len(step_uids)): # pylint:disable=consider-using-enumerate for i1 in range(i0 + 1, len(step_uids)): s0, s1 = step_uids[i0], step_uids[i1] preds0, preds1 = graph["preds"][s0], graph["preds"][s1] if len(preds0) == len(preds1) and set(preds0) == set(preds1): succs0, succs1 = graph["succs"][s0], graph["succs"][s1] if len(succs0) == len(succs1) and set(succs0) == set(succs1): old: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = { uid: graph["steps"][uid] for uid in [s0, s1] } new_uid = None new_steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = {} for step_uid, step_jsn in old.items(): if _op_kind(step_jsn) == "Par": # flatten new_steps.update(step_jsn["steps"]) if new_uid is None: new_uid = step_uid else: new_steps[step_uid] = step_jsn if new_uid is None: new_uid = gen.gensym("union") new: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = { new_uid: {"kind": "Par", "steps": new_steps} } return old, new return None def find_union( graph: JSON_TYPE, ) -> Optional[Tuple[Dict[str, JSON_TYPE], Dict[str, JSON_TYPE]]]: cat_cls = "lale.lib.rasl.concat_features._ConcatFeaturesImpl" for seq_uid, seq_jsn in graph["steps"].items(): if _op_kind(seq_jsn) == "Seq": seq_uids = list(seq_jsn["steps"].keys()) for i in range(len(seq_uids) - 1): src, dst = seq_uids[i], seq_uids[i + 1] src_jsn = seq_jsn["steps"][src] if _op_kind(src_jsn) == "Par": dst_jsn = seq_jsn["steps"][dst] if dst_jsn.get("class", None) == cat_cls: old = {seq_uid: seq_jsn} union = {"kind": "Union", "steps": src_jsn["steps"]} if len(seq_uids) == 2: new = {src: union} else: new_steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = {} for uid, jsn in seq_jsn["steps"].items(): if uid == src: new_steps[uid] = union elif uid != dst: new_steps[uid] = jsn new = {src: {"kind": "Seq", "steps": new_steps}} return old, new return None def replace( subject: JSON_TYPE, old: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE], new: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] ) -> JSON_TYPE: assert _op_kind(subject) == "Graph" new_uid, new_jsn = list(new.items())[0] assert _op_kind(new_jsn) in ["Seq", "Par", "Union"] subj_steps = subject["steps"] subj_preds = subject["preds"] subj_succs = subject["succs"] res_steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = {} res_preds: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} res_succs: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} old_steps_uids = list(old.keys()) for step_uid in subj_steps: # careful to keep topological order if step_uid == old_steps_uids[0]: res_steps[new_uid] = new_jsn res_preds[new_uid] = subj_preds[old_steps_uids[0]] res_succs[new_uid] = subj_succs[old_steps_uids[-1]] elif step_uid not in old_steps_uids: res_steps[step_uid] = subj_steps[step_uid] res_preds[step_uid] = [] for pred in subj_preds[step_uid]: if pred == old_steps_uids[-1]: res_preds[step_uid].append(new_uid) elif pred not in old_steps_uids: res_preds[step_uid].append(pred) res_succs[step_uid] = [] for succ in subj_succs[step_uid]: if succ == old_steps_uids[0]: res_succs[step_uid].append(new_uid) elif succ not in old_steps_uids: res_succs[step_uid].append(succ) result = { "kind": "Graph", "steps": res_steps, "preds": res_preds, "succs": res_succs, } return result def find_and_replace(graph: JSON_TYPE) -> JSON_TYPE: if len(graph["steps"]) == 1: # singleton return {"kind": "Seq", "steps": graph["steps"]} progress = True while progress: seq = find_seq(graph) if seq is not None: graph = replace(graph, *seq) par = find_par(graph) if par is not None: graph = replace(graph, *par) if not gen.combinators: union = find_union(graph) if union is not None: graph = replace(graph, *union) progress = seq is not None or par is not None if len(graph["steps"]) == 1: # flatten return list(graph["steps"].values())[0] else: return graph graph = make_graph(pipeline) result = find_and_replace(graph) return result def _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(uid: str, jsn: JSON_TYPE, gen: _CodeGenState) -> str: op_expr: str if _op_kind(jsn) == "Pipeline": structured = _introduce_structure(jsn, gen) return _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(uid, structured, gen) elif _op_kind(jsn) == "Graph": steps, succs = jsn["steps"], jsn["succs"] step2name: Dict[str, str] = {} for step_uid, step_val in steps.items(): expr = _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(step_uid, step_val, gen) if re.fullmatch("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*", expr): step2name[step_uid] = expr else: step2name[step_uid] = step_uid gen.assigns.append(f"{step_uid} = {expr}") make_pipeline = "make_pipeline_graph" gen.imports.append(f"from lale.operators import {make_pipeline}") steps_string = ", ".join([step2name[step] for step in steps]) edges_string = ", ".join( [ f"({step2name[src]},{step2name[tgt]})" for src in steps for tgt in succs[src] ] ) result = f"{make_pipeline}(steps=[{steps_string}], edges=[{edges_string}])" return result elif _op_kind(jsn) in ["Seq", "Par", "OperatorChoice", "Union"]: if gen.combinators: def print_for_comb(step_uid, step_val): printed = _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(step_uid, step_val, gen) parens = _op_kind(step_val) != _op_kind(jsn) and _op_kind(step_val) in [ "Seq", "Par", "OperatorChoice", ] return f"({printed})" if parens else printed printed_steps = { step_uid: print_for_comb(step_uid, step_val) for step_uid, step_val in jsn["steps"].items() } combinator = _OP_KIND_TO_COMBINATOR[_op_kind(jsn)] if len(printed_steps.values()) == 1 and combinator == ">>": gen.imports.append("from lale.operators import make_pipeline") op_expr = f"make_pipeline({', '.join(printed_steps.values())})" return op_expr return f" {combinator} ".join(printed_steps.values()) else: printed_steps = { step_uid: _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(step_uid, step_val, gen) for step_uid, step_val in jsn["steps"].items() } function = _OP_KIND_TO_FUNCTION[_op_kind(jsn)] if gen.astype == "sklearn" and function in ["make_union", "make_pipeline"]: gen.imports.append(f"from sklearn.pipeline import {function}") else: gen.imports.append(f"from lale.operators import {function}") op_expr = f"{function}({', '.join(printed_steps.values())})" gen.assigns.append(f"{uid} = {op_expr}") return uid elif _op_kind(jsn) == "IndividualOp": label: str = jsn["label"] class_name = jsn["class"] module_name = _get_module_name(label, jsn["operator"], class_name) if module_name.startswith("lale."): op_name = jsn["operator"] else: op_name = class_name[class_name.rfind(".") + 1 :] if op_name.startswith("_"): op_name = op_name[1:] if op_name.endswith("Impl"): op_name = op_name[: -len("Impl")] if op_name == label: import_stmt = f"from {module_name} import {op_name}" else: import_stmt = f"from {module_name} import {op_name} as {label}" if module_name != "__main__": gen.imports.append(import_stmt) external_module_name = _get_wrapper_module_if_external(class_name) if external_module_name is not None: gen.external_wrapper_modules.append(external_module_name) printed_steps = { step_uid: _operator_jsn_to_string_rec(step_uid, step_val, gen) for step_uid, step_val in jsn.get("steps", {}).items() } op_expr = label if "customize_schema" in jsn and gen.customize_schema: if jsn["customize_schema"] == "not_available": logger.warning(f"missing {label}.customize_schema(..) call") elif jsn["customize_schema"] != {}: new_hps = lale.json_operator._top_schemas_to_hp_props( jsn["customize_schema"] ) customize_schema_string = ",".join( [ f"{hp_name}={json_to_string(hp_schema)}" for hp_name, hp_schema in new_hps.items() ] ) op_expr = f"{op_expr}.customize_schema({customize_schema_string})" if "hyperparams" in jsn and jsn["hyperparams"] is not None: hp_string = hyperparams_to_string(jsn["hyperparams"], printed_steps, gen) op_expr = f"{op_expr}({hp_string})" if gen.assign_nested and re.fullmatch(r".+\(.+\)", op_expr): gen.assigns.append(f"{uid} = {op_expr}") return uid else: return op_expr else: assert False, f"unexpected type {type(jsn)} of jsn {jsn}" def _collect_names(jsn: JSON_TYPE) -> Set[str]: result: Set[str] = set() if "steps" in jsn: steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = jsn["steps"] for step_uid, step_jsn in steps.items(): result |= {step_uid} result |= _collect_names(step_jsn) if "label" in jsn: lbl: str = jsn["label"] result |= {lbl} return result def _combine_lonely_literals(printed_code): lines = printed_code.split("\n") regex = re.compile( r' +("[^"]*"|\d+\.?\d*|\[\]|float\("nan"\)|np\.dtype\("[^"]+"\)),' ) for i in range(len(lines)): # pylint:disable=consider-using-enumerate if lines[i] is not None: match_i = regex.fullmatch(lines[i]) if match_i is not None: j = i + 1 while j < len(lines) and lines[j] is not None: match_j = regex.fullmatch(lines[j]) if match_j is None: break candidate = lines[i] + " " + + "," if len(candidate) > 78: break lines[i] = candidate lines[j] = None j += 1 result = "\n".join([s for s in lines if s is not None]) return result def _format_code(printed_code): formatted = black.format_str(printed_code, mode=_black78).rstrip() combined = _combine_lonely_literals(formatted) return combined def _operator_jsn_to_string( jsn: JSON_TYPE, show_imports: bool, combinators: bool, assign_nested: bool, customize_schema: bool, astype: str, ) -> str: gen = _CodeGenState( _collect_names(jsn), combinators, assign_nested, customize_schema, astype ) expr = _operator_jsn_to_string_rec("pipeline", jsn, gen) if expr != "pipeline": gen.assigns.append(f"pipeline = {expr}") if show_imports and len(gen.imports) > 0: if combinators: gen.imports.append("import lale") imports_set: Set[str] = set() imports_list: List[str] = [] for imp in gen.imports: if imp not in imports_set: imports_set |= {imp} imports_list.append(imp) result = "\n".join(imports_list) external_wrapper_modules_set: Set[str] = set() external_wrapper_modules_list: List[str] = [] for module in gen.external_wrapper_modules: if module not in external_wrapper_modules_set: external_wrapper_modules_set |= {module} external_wrapper_modules_list.append(module) if combinators: if len(external_wrapper_modules_list) > 0: result += ( f"\nlale.wrap_imported_operators({external_wrapper_modules_list})" ) else: result += "\nlale.wrap_imported_operators()" result += "\n" result += "\n".join(gen.assigns) else: result = "\n".join(gen.assigns) formatted = _format_code(result) return formatted
[docs]def json_to_string(jsn: JSON_TYPE) -> str: def _inner(value): if value is None: return "None" elif isinstance(value, (bool, str)): return pprint.pformat(value, width=10000, compact=True) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): if math.isnan(value): return "float('nan')" else: return pprint.pformat(value, width=10000, compact=True) elif isinstance(value, list): sl = [_inner(v) for v in value] return "[" + ", ".join(sl) + "]" elif isinstance(value, tuple): sl = [_inner(v) for v in value] return "(" + ", ".join(sl) + ")" elif isinstance(value, dict): sl = [f"'{k}': {_inner(v)}" for k, v in value.items()] return "{" + ", ".join(sl) + "}" else: return f"<<{type(value).__qualname__}>>" s1 = _inner(jsn) s2 = _format_code(s1) return s2
[docs]def to_string( arg: Union[JSON_TYPE, "lale.operators.Operator"], *, show_imports: bool = True, combinators: bool = True, assign_nested: bool = True, customize_schema: bool = False, astype: str = "lale", call_depth: int = 1, ) -> str: assert astype in ["lale", "sklearn"], astype if astype == "sklearn": combinators = False if lale.type_checking.is_schema(arg): return json_to_string(cast(JSON_TYPE, arg)) elif isinstance(arg, lale.operators.Operator): jsn = lale.json_operator.to_json( arg, call_depth=call_depth + 1, add_custom_default=not customize_schema, ) return _operator_jsn_to_string( jsn, show_imports, combinators, assign_nested, customize_schema, astype, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument type {type(arg)} for {arg}")
[docs]def ipython_display( arg: Union[JSON_TYPE, "lale.operators.Operator"], *, show_imports: bool = True, combinators: bool = True, assign_nested: bool = True, ): import IPython.display pretty_printed = to_string( arg, show_imports=show_imports, combinators=combinators, assign_nested=assign_nested, call_depth=3, ) markdown = IPython.display.Markdown(f"```python\n{pretty_printed}\n```") IPython.display.display(markdown)